Happy New Year 2022

Can you believe it’s 2022!! Wow, and what an amazing year it is going to be! Notice, I didn’t say “perfect’ but “amazing.” This means this year may have some surprises. Everything may not go as anticipated but, planning and executing that plan will help you to navigate to where you want to be in life (but you already know this). If we’ve learned anything over the past two years, it’s that there are many things in life that are not in our control.

Besides your own self-control, there are elements of control in this world that come from other people and places. These past two years have been eye-opening for many of us as it relates to our goals and plans. In times like these, thinking outside of the box is necessary and not an option. Creativity and faith are required more than ever.

I am definitely excited about 2022! I’ve decided to go where no man has gone before (Star Track), to take the red pill (Matrix), to follow the white rabbit (Matrix again!), and to follow closely after God!! I will be discussing politics, faith, Christianity, and current affairs. That’s probably NOT what you signed up for (since it is a totally new direction for me except, faith and Christianity which I’ve always discussed). If at any point you decide to disconnect, I’ll understand. However, if you decide to stay, things will get interesting. FYI. Happy New Year.

More to come.